Tuesday, May 17, 2011


May 12th was Emily's birthday - (the day after Grandma Pearl and Scott's birthday). Thelissa and I, and her roommate April went to her classroom for a "Birthday Celebration". Emily threw a little party to celebrate all her student's birthdays. They played a "Guess Who?" game, learned which season their birthday falls into and signed birthday cards for each other. And - of course - there were cupcakes! Her students then performed a couple of presentations they had prepared for her. They were so darling. We had a great time.
Happy Birthay Em!!!

What do you think? - The real story

The responses from Katie's video survey are actually from the following questions: What do you think of the blizzard? and What do you think of the pot roast? I'll let you figure out which questions goes with which response. :)
(For the record, Lizzie does not think that the baby is terrible.)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Grandma Pearl

Thelissa and I went to see Grandma Pearl on her birthday. We had a great visit. She was very sleepy when we first got there but had perked up by the end. We asked her a variety of questions in hopes of documenting her answers. The nurses had made her a Happy Birthday sign. She looked beautiful in her red shirt.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day Grama Martineau

We wrote you a little poem for this special day. We included some our favorite things about you. Grama - can you guess who said what? We love you - Happy Mother's Day.

Happy Mother's Day Grama Annie

We wrote a little poem for you on this special day. Included are some of our favorite things about Grama Annie. We love you Grama Annie. Happy Mother's Day. Enjoy!

What do you think?

Katie decided to make a video survey while we were in Utah. Here are the results...